UMYAF Constitution




We, the Young Adults of the United Methodist Church in the Philippines, having experienced the love and saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and asking His divine providence in order to establish an organization that shall embody the Methodist faith, promote our spiritual, mental, physical and social life, serve as an expression of our service to others and actively participate in the United Methodist Church’s mission of spreading the Gospel for the glory of God, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.


Section 1. This organization shall be known as the United Methodist Young Adult Fellowship in the Philippines, hereafter referred to as the UMYAFP and shall also be known as the Kapatiran ng Nagkaisang Kabataang Metodistang may Sapat na Gulang sa Pilipinas, shall form part of the United Methodist Church in the Philippines.


Section 1. The UMYAFP shall be organized at the following levels:
a. National level
b. Conference level
c. District level
d. Chapter level


Section 1. Regular Membership

a. Bona Fide Members
  1. All persons from 23 to 40 years old who are professing members of the United Methodist Church in the Philippines;
  2. Those who have declared their intention to be a member of the organization;
  3. Those that manifest faithfulness to their covenant and vows with God and the other members of the organization;
  4. Those who witness for Christ in the world, as salt and light in society and reconciler in case of conflict;
  5. Those who have paid their membership due; and
  6. Those who uphold this constitution and by-laws of the UMYAFP.
b. Rights and Privileges

  1. To vote and being voted upon.
  2. To participate in all UMYAFP programs and activities.
Section 2. Ex-officio Membership

a. Members at the Different Levels of the Organization
  1. National Level: The duly authorized representatives of the National Council on Youth Ministries (NCYM), Board of Christian Education and Communications (BCEC), and Board of the Laity (BoL), the immediate past president of the National Level and the advisers chosen by the National Executive Committee, shall serve as ex-officio members.
  2. Conference Level: The Conference Lay Leader, the Annual Conference Coordinator appointed by the bishop, the immediate past president of the Conference Level and the advisers chosen by the conference Executive Committee shall serve as exofficio members.
  3. District Level: The District Superintendent, the District Lay Leader, the immediate past president of the District Level and the advisers chosen by the District Executive Committee shall serve as ex-officio members.
  4. Chapter Level: The Pastor, the Lay Leader, the immediate past president at the Chapter Level and the advisers chosen by the Chapter Executive Committee shall serve as ex-officio members.
b. Rights and Privileges
  1. All ex-officio members referred to in Section 2.a of this article are given the rights and privileges to participate in programs and activities of the UMYAFP at the respective levels of the organization except to vote and to be voted upon.
Section 3. Honorary Membership

a. Members
  1. Honorary membership shall be awarded by the National Executive Committee upon approval by the National Council to any person based on meritorious and exemplary service and support rendered to the UMYAFP.
b. Rights and Privileges
  1. To participate in programs and activities of the UMYAFP except to vote and to be voted upon.


Section 1. The UMYAFP is a Christ centered organization. Each member shall endeavor to live a life that glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ.

Section 2. The UMYAFP believes in the Holy Bible as the Word of God and adheres to our Methodist heritage of faith affirmed by the founding leaders of the United Methodist Church.

Section 3. The UMYAFP, relying on the grace of our God, bears witness to Jesus Christ as the hope of the world, committing itself to work for the achievement of a just and peaceful society.

Section 4. The UMYAFP promotes and aids in the growth of the United Methodist Church in the Philippines in general, its conference, district and chapter organization and implements UMYAFP activities in cooperation with other organizations and agencies in society as a whole.

Section 5. The UMYAFP builds Christian fellowship by which all young adults shall work to lead others in accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

Section 6. The UMYAFP recognizes the principle that Christian social responsibility is an expression of faith.


Section 1. Committee on Election

There shall be a committee on election, elected during the assembly held in each level
to administer the election of officers and shall be composed of members, who are
exposed to the ministry of the UMYAFP, as follows:

a. Composition
  1. National level composed of five (5) members, one (1) representative elected by the National Assembly, one (1) full time church worker from the host conference, one (1) past or outgoing officer who is not running for re-election, one (1) adviser to be determined by the Executive Committee and one (1) ex-officio member.
  2. Conference level composed of six (6) members, one (1) representative elected by the Conference Assembly, one (1) full time church worker from the host district, one (1) past or outgoing officer who is not running for re-election, one (1) adviser to be determined by the Executive Committee, one (1) representative of the National Executive Committee and one (1) ex-officio member.
  3. District level composed of six (6) members, one (1) representative elected by the District Assembly, one (1) full time church worker from the host district, one (1) past or outgoing officer who is not running for re-election and one (1) adviser to be determined by the Executive Committee, one (1) representative of the Conference Executive Committee and the District Superintendent as ex-officio member.
  4. Chapter level composed of six (6) members, one (1) representative elected by the Chapter Assembly, one (1) full time church worker, one (1) lay leader, one (1) past or outgoing officer who is not running for re-election, one (1) representative of the District Executive Committee and one (1) district officer as ex-officio member. The Committee on Election in each level shall convene and elect their respective chairperson and secretary prior to every election in order to effectively discharge its duties and responsibilities.
b. Duties and Responsibilities

The Committee on Election shall exercise and effectively discharge the following
duties and responsibilities:
  1. Review the constitution relative to the election process.
  2. Set additional rules if necessary to facilitate the election process to be announced before the official nomination of candidates.
  3. Set the time table for the nomination, screening and election.
  4. Interview and evaluate each nominee to ascertain his or her qualifications for election such as but not limited to the following:
    • 4.1. Merit and fitness to handle the position aspired for.
    • 4.2. Adherence to the principles and objectives of the UMYAFP.
    • 4.3. Familiarity with the current programs, issues and concerns of the position aspired for.
    • 4.4. Proposed plans and programs.
  5. Recommend the best possible position for the nominee.
  6. Report the list of qualified candidates to the assembly.
Section 2. Qualifications of an Officer

Each individual who wish to become an officer of the UMYAFP must possess the
following qualifications:
  • a. Must be a professing member of the United Methodist Church in the Philippines
  • b. A lay person and not a church worker or a person preparing for a fulltime ministry work.
  • c. Within the UMYAFP age bracket on or before the election and shall not exceed the age of 40 during the duration of office if elected.
  • d. Actively involved in the programs and activities of the UMYAFP
  • e. Endorsed by three (3) voting delegates, one of which shall come from the Annual Conference of the nominee in case of National election, and one of whom shall come from the district of the nominee in the case of Annual level elections.
Section 3. Disqualifications of an Officer

The following persons are automatically disqualified from running for any elective or
appointive position:
  • a. Those who are found to have violated any provision of this constitution.
  • b. Those who are removed from office as a result of a legal case duly decided by the court of law.
  • c. Those who are convicted by final judgment for violation of the law of the Republic of the Philippines.
  • d. Those who are insane or feeble-minded as diagnosed by a physician.
  • e. Those who are not within the UMYAFP age bracket at the time of the election and will exceed the age of 40 during their term of office if elected.
  • f. Those who are appointed to ministry work (pastor or deaconess) including those who are preparing for such work.
  • g. Those officers who have previously resigned from their posts.
Section 4. Manner of nomination and balloting

The manner of nomination and balloting shall be conducted using the following
provisions and procedures:
  • a. In all Levels of the organization, the nomination must be in writing, signed by the nominee and endorsed by three (3) voting delegates. However, in the National Level, one of the three (3) endorsers should come from the Annual Conference (AC) of the nominee; and in the Conference Level, one of the endorsers shouldcome from the District Conference of the nominee in accordance with Section 2 of Article 5 of this Constitution.
  • b. The election is by secret ballot except in cases where there is only one nominee for the position, in which case the secretary will cast a unanimous vote for the nominee.
  • c. In case there is no qualified nominee for a certain position, the election committee shall declare the position as vacant, and the executive council may fill the vacancy provided the qualifications of an officer enumerated under Section 2 of Article 5 of this constitution are met.
Section 5. Venue of Election

All officers shall be elected by plurality of voting delegates at all organizational levels.
  • a. National officers shall be elected during the National Assembly.
  • b. Conference officers shall be elected during the Conference Assembly.
  • c. District officers shall be elected during the District Assembly.
  • d. Chapter officers shall be elected during the Chapter Assembly.
Section 6. Term of Office of an Officer
  • a. The term of office of all elected officers shall be two (2) years at all organizational levels which shall begin on the first day of the conference year and end two years thereafter.
  • b. No officer in any level shall hold concurrent positions, whether elected or appointed. All officers shall serve at most two (2) terms only. In case of the appointed officer, the term of appointment shall be considered as one term.
  • c. In cases where a person shall be appointed to fill any vacancy, he/she shall serve only for the unexpired term of the officer elected.
  • d. No officer shall be re-elected to the same position for more than two consecutive terms. However, re-election in the same position shall be allowed after resting for one term.


Section 1. UMYAFP Officers

The UMYAFP shall have the following officers at the national, conference, district
and chapter levels:

  • a. President
  • b. Vice President
  • c. Executive Secretary
  • d. Treasurer
  • e. Auditor
  • f. Program Ministry Heads
    • f.1. Nurture Ministry Head
    • f.2. Outreach Ministry Head
    • f.3. Witness Ministry Head
Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities of Officers

a. The President. Executive power shall be vested in the President and shall perform
the duties and responsibilities such as but not limited to the following:
  1. Be the administrative officer of the organization;
  2. Prepare the Agenda of the meeting in consultation with the Vice President and Executive Secretary;
  3. Preside over all sessions of the organization;
  4. Supervise and coordinate the general program of the organization in cooperation with the duly constituted authorities and representatives of the United Methodist Church;
  5. Report the state of the organization to the assembly concerned and other gatherings of the United Methodist Church and other ecumenical gatherings when necessary;
  6. Require the President of the level immediately below it, to submit their programs of action within two (2) months after their election. If the said president fails to do so, the National president shall notify the Vice President of the level immediately below to convene and submit their programs of action;
  7. Exercise such other functions, duties and prerogatives as may be assigned by the organization.
b. The Vice President. The Vice President shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
  1. Assume the duties and functions of the President in case of his/her death, temporary disability or incapacity, or termination from office subject to the provisions of Section 3 of Article 5 and Section 3 of Article 6;
  2. Co-preside with the President over all sessions of the Organization;
  3. Oversee the planning and implementation of the programs of the Organization;
  4. Formally call a meeting in case the President fails to do so within one (1) month after election. If no action is taken by the President, the Vice President shall assume the powers and duties of the President as prescribed by Section 4.c of Article 6, until the expiration of the term subject to the provisions of Section 6 of Article 5;
  5. Exercise such other functions, duties and prerogatives as may be assigned by the organization.
c. The Executive Secretary. The Executive Secretary shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
  1. Be the center of communications and in-charge of all correspondence of the level concerned;
  2. Notify members of meetings/sessions/conventions/assemblies of the level concerned;
  3. Keep an accurate record of the minutes of the regular and special sessions or meetings of the Organization, the record of attendance, and other vital documents of the UMYAFP;
  4. Furnish all the members of the Executive Council concerned with the minutes of their last meeting or session at a date to be determined by the level concerned but not later than two (2) months after the last meeting or session.
  5. Keep and regularly update the membership directory;
  6. Exercise such other functions, duties and prerogatives as may be assigned by the organization;
  7. The President can delegate presiding authority to the executive secretary when necessary.
  8. When delegated to preside, the executive secretary may select an associate secretary who would then act temporarily on his/her behalf.
d. The Treasurer The Treasurer shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
  1. Keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures of the Organization;
  2. Make a regular detailed report on funds received and expended to the auditor for audit and to the executive committee concerned;
  3. Monitor and collect payment of all fees and dues of the organization;
  4. Deposit and withdraw in an accredited bank approved by the Executive Council concerned all collected funds or money of the organization while withdrawal of funds shall be done only by the authorized signatories of the Executive Council concerned;
  5. Prepare, with the active assistance of the President and the Auditor, the budget of the organization to be approved by the Executive Council concerned;
  6. Be in-charge of the management of resources and prime-mover of all fund raising activities of the organization;
  7. Shall act as custodian of all properties purchased/acquired by or in behalf of the organization;
  8. Exercise such other functions, duties and prerogatives as may be assigned by the organization;
  9. The President can delegate presiding authority to the treasurer when necessary.
e. The Auditor. The Auditor shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
  1. Examine and audit the financial records of the Treasurer;
  2. Prepare an audited financial statement on a regular basis for the Executive Council concerned and other sessions of the Organization;
  3. Report regularly on the financial standing of the Organization to the Executive Council concerned;
  4. Formulate financial policies to be approved by the Executive Council;
  5. Exercise such other functions, duties and prerogatives as may be assigned by the organization;
  6. The President can delegate presiding authority to the auditor when necessary.
f. The Program Ministry Heads

f.1. The Nurture Ministry Head. The Nurture Ministry Head shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
  • a. Work out plans for the instruction of the young adults in relation to Christian Education, Discipleship, Worship, Stewardship, Mission, Evangelism and Church Structure;
  • b. Lead the young adults in developing worship programs that relate to the Methodist faith;
  • c. Lead in conducting worship services or religious programs;
  • d. Initiate capacity building programs of young adults on spiritual formation;
  • e. Promote and advocate the conduct of basic leadership training;
  • f. The President can delegate presiding authority to the nurture ministry head when necessary.
f.2. The Outreach Ministry Head. The Outreach Ministry Head shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
  • a. Take initiative in working out missionary projects that the UMYAFP supports;
  • b. Help develop projects that emphasize Christian social and cultural relations;
  • c. Initiate seminars and fora on relevant social and church issues;
  • d. The President can delegate presiding authority to the outreach ministry head when necessary.
f.3. The Witness Ministry Head. The Witness Ministry Head shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
  • a. Work out programs for evangelism;
  • b. Assist young adults in increasing members of the United Methodist Church;
  • c. Initiate capacity building programs of young adults to aid other persons to start their personal relationship with God;
  • d. The President can delegate presiding authority to the witness ministry head when necessary.
Section 3. Removal from Office

a. The following shall be grounds for the removal from office of any officers in all levels:
  • a.1. Renunciation of the basic doctrines and beliefs of the United Methodist Church in general.
  • a.2. Violation of any provision of this constitution;
  • a.3. Abandonment of office or habitual absenteeism in council meetings;
  • a.4. Misappropriation of UMYAFP funds;
  • a.5. Indulging in any form of vice including acts of lasciviousness such as perversion and promiscuity during term of office;
  • a.6. Inability to perform his/her duties and responsibilities;
  • a.7. Approved filing resignation;
  • a.8. Permanent disability or death;
  • a.9. Such other acts detrimental to the organization;
  • a.10. Insanity as diagnosed by a physician.
b. Any officer who has been absent for two (2) consecutive meetings called by the Executive Council concerned without any justifiable reason and of which he/she was duly notified shall be reminded of his responsibilities in writing with a warning by the President concerned, that his/her continued absences shall cause his/her automatic removal from office.

c. Any complaint against an officer relative to any of the above-mentioned grounds on Section 3 of Article 6 and other grounds mentioned in Section 3 of Article 5 shall be filed through the Executive Secretary concerned and to the advisers who shall then constitute an investigation committee. If there is evidence proving guilt beyond reasonable doubt, the investigation committee shall recommend to the Executive Council concerned the removal from office of the officer so charged.

d. In case of permanent disability, death, removal from office or resignation of any of the officers, the Executive Council concerned shall be called to a special meeting by the President to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term of the office concerned, except that the President shall be succeeded by the Vice-President.

Section 4. Vacancies and Succession

a. If vacancy occurs in any office, the president of the level concerned shall report this to the next regular executive council meeting. The Executive Council concerned shall deliberate and formally declare the position vacant.

b. Positions officially declared vacant shall be filled up by the Executive Council provided the qualifications of an officer are met under Section 2 of Article 5 except that the President shall be succeeded by the Vice president.

c. The appointed officer shall serve only for the unexpired term of the officer elected.


Section 1. Assemblies

There shall be a highest policy making body in each level that is called to a regular session biennially by the Executive Council except for the Chapter Level. At the Chapter Level regular session is called annually. However, special sessions may be called upon by passing of a resolution by the Executive Council of any level for special purposes.

a. National Level – The national assembly called by the national executive council.
b. Conference Level – The conference assembly called by the conference executive council.
c. District Level – The district assembly called by the district executive council.
d. Chapter Level – The chapter assembly called by the chapter executive council.

Section 2. Voting delegates
The voting delegates shall be composed of the executive committee and its representatives of the level concerned.

a. National Level – the National Executive Council and maximum of fifteen (15) representatives from each Annual Conference.

b. Conference Level – the Conference Executive Committee and twenty (20) representatives from each District.

c. District Level – The District Executive Committee and five (5) representatives from each Local Chapter.

d. Chapter Level – The Chapter Executive Committee and members in good standing present.


Section 1. Composition
There shall be an executive council for every organizational level of the UMYAFP which shall act on behalf of the assembly while the latter is in recess.

a. National Level – the National Executive Council;
b. Conference Level – the Conference Executive Council;
c. District Level – the District Executive Council;
d. Chapter Level – the Chapter Executive Council.

Such executive council shall be composed of the duly elected and appointed officers, the ex-officio members in the assembly and all the presidents in the level immediately below it.

Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities

a. The Executive Council shall execute all decisions, recommendations, resolutions, rules and regulations made by the Assemblies of the level concerned. It shall be responsible for the coordination of UMYAFP programs with those of the variousconnectional institutions, boards/committees and agencies of the United Methodist Church.


Section 1. Number of Advisers

a. There shall be at least two advisers in every organizational level, one coming from the clergy and another from the laity.

Section 2. Appointment

a. The advisers of the organization at the National Level shall be selected by the National Executive Committee.

b. Lay advisers at the Conference and District Level shall be selected by the Executive Committee of the level concerned while the clergy advisers may be appointed by their respective appointing authorities.

c. Appointment of the advisers shall be co-terminus with the term of the incumbent officers.

Section 3. Roles and Functions
The advisers shall provide spiritual guidance and serve as consultants of the organization in the conduct of its programs and activities.


Section 1. Fees and Dues

Membership fees and dues shall be prescribed by the National Convention by simple majority.

Section 2. Solicitation and application for Grants and Donations

No solicitation or application for grant shall be made for and on behalf of the organization without the prior approval of the Executive Council concerned and the Council on Finance and Administration (CFA) for amounts greater than one hundred thousand pesos (PhP 100,000).

Section 3. Debts and Loans

There shall be no debts or loans incurred for and against the UMYAFP or any of its
cooperating and connectional bodies.

Section 4. Expenditure of Funds

a. No funds from any foreign or domestic group, agency and other cooperating and connectional bodies of the United Methodist Church designated for the purposes of the organization shall be expended except upon approval of the Executive Council concerned;

b. The expenditure of funds shall be properly audited by the auditor elected at each level and the report is presented and accepted by the assembly concerned.


Section 1. Acts of Discretion of the Assemblies and Executive Councils

The Assemblies and the Executive Councils are empowered to act and use their own discretion on matters not specifically provided for under this constitution, provided that their actions are not in direct conflict with the provisions of this Constitution and the Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church.

Section 2. Actions Made in the Pursuit of the UMYAFP Objectives and Principles

The actions made in the pursuit of the objectives and principles of the UMYAFP shall not be considered unconstitutional.


Section 1. Definition of Terms

a. Amendment - refers to isolated or piecemeal changes of an article in the constitution.
b. Revision - a revamp or rewriting of the whole constitution.
c. Ratification - approval of the constitution by the two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the registered delegates of the Constitutional Assembly

Section 2: The Constitutional Assembly

This constitution shall be amended or revised only in a National assembly duly constituted and convened as a Constitutional Assembly.

Section 3. Constitutional Amendments or Revision Committees

a. There shall be an amendment or revision committee duly elected by the Constitutional Assembly.

b. The Constitutional Amendment or Revision Committee shall be composed of five (5) members from the members present during the National Assembly who shall serve as convener of Constitutional Convention and shall compile and come up withthe final draft of the constitution subject to the ratification of the Constitutional Assembly.

c. The Constitutional Amendment or Revision Committee shall elect from among themselves a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary.

d. The Constitutional Amendment or Revision Committee Chairperson shall preside over the Constitutional Convention. The Vice-Chairperson shall act as co-presiding officer of the Chairperson. The Secretary shall take the minutes of the proceedings during the Constitutional Convention.

e. The Constitutional Amendment or Revision Committee shall recommend for the ratification of the Proposed Constitutional Amendments or Revisions by the Constitutional Convention to the Constitutional Assembly.

Section 4. The Constitutional Convention

a. The Constitutional Convention for constitutional amendments or revisions shall convene not later than six (6) months before the next National Assembly which shall convene as the Constitutional Assembly.

b. The members of the Constitutional Convention shall include two elected representatives from each Annual Conference Level of the UMYAFP and the members of the Constitutional Amendment or Revision Committee.

c. The quorum of the Constitutional Convention shall consist of the majority of the potential delegates. Potential delegates shall be the total number of Annual Conferences multiplied by their respective two representatives in addition to the members of the Constitutional Amendment or Revision Committee.

d. The Constitutional Convention shall receive and study any constitutional amendments or revisions proposed by the UMYAFP Annual Conferences and members on or before the Constitutional Convention.

e. The Constitutional Convention shall come up with the Proposed Constitutional Amendments or Revisions subject to its ratification in the next scheduled National Assembly which shall convene as the Constitutional Assembly.

Section 5. Ratification of Constitutional Amendment or Revision

The proposed amendments or revisions of this Constitution shall take effect upon ratification by two-thirds (2/3) vote of all registered delegates of the National Assembly duly constituted and convened as a Constitutional Assembly.

Section 6. Frequency of Constitutional Amendment and Revision

a. No amendments to this Constitution shall be made within four (4) years from the ratification of its last amendment or revision.

b. No revision of this Constitution shall be made within eight (8) years from the ratification of the last revision.


Section 1. Synchronization of the Term of Office

a. For purposes of synchronization, all officers serving their term of office during the ratification of the constitution shall end their term of office on May 31, 2010 and every biennium thereafter except for the Chapter Level.

b. At the Chapter Level, all officers serving their term of office during the ratification of the constitution shall end their term of office on May 31, 2010 and every year thereafter.

Section 2. Effectivity

This constitution shall take effect immediately upon its ratification by two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the voting delegates during the convention duly constituted and convened.

Revised on May 29, 2010 during the
16th NUMYAFP Biennial Convention
Held on May 27-30, 2010
At the United Methodist Church
Bintawan Road, Solano, Nueva Viscaya

Duly ratified by the Constitutional Assembly.

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